Law firms use a variety of technologies to help them manage their practices and serve their clients. Each technology involves software and hardware and people who use them. There are myriads of hacking tools and known vulnerabilities to access data and networks through these gateways,

Some of the technologies that law firms typically use include:
- Document management systems: These systems help firms to organize, store, and retrieve electronic documents and emails, and are often integrated with other systems such as billing and client management software.
- Billing and time tracking software: These systems help firms to track time spent on client matters and to generate invoices and financial reports.
- Practice management software: These systems are designed to help firms manage their day-to-day operations, including scheduling, document production, and client intake.
- Legal research databases: These databases provide access to case law, statutes, regulations, and other legal information, and are used by attorneys to research and prepare legal briefs and other documents.
- E-discovery software: These software tools help firms to identify, collect, and review electronic documents in the context of litigation or regulatory compliance. E-discovery software (also known as electronic discovery software) is a type of technology used by lawyers, paralegals, corporations, and government agencies to search, collect, and review electronic data during the discovery process of legal proceedings. E-discovery software enables the automation of various tasks such as document preservation, collection, processing, review, and production.
- Cloud-based services: Many law firms are using cloud-based services such as storage, email, and document collaboration to allow for remote access, ease of sharing information, and cost savings.
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies: Some law firms are starting to use AI and ML technologies to automate document review, contract analysis, and other legal tasks.
- Communication and Video Conferencing tools: With the increase of remote working, many law firms are using communication and video conferencing tools to hold virtual meetings and conduct video consultations.
The Axalton Group provides real-time alerts on software/hardware vulnerabilities, as well as leaked data (credentials and sensitive information, documents) specific to any law firm. Such an “AI assistant on the Dark Web” is necessary to mitigate risk to the law firm and its clients.