Successful biological control against viral, bacterial, fungal diseases transmitted by external insect parasites of indoor-bred and wild animals with BIORESQ

As it is well known, insect society is perhaps the most populous of the animal species on Earth, and their distribution, due to the diversity of their eating habits, extends to the most extreme corners of our world.

Major and ongoing problems to be solved of intensive pig and poultry farming, in particular broiler production, include litter beetle, as well as chicken lice, bedbug, mite, flea, fly. It can also be used against larvae of owl pill and even against ticks.

In order to reduce the health and veterinary damage caused by various groups of salmonella, a “salmonella eradication programme” was launched in the EU, to which Hungary has also joined. This programme includes Regulation No. 2/2008 (I. 04.) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on “Certain rules for the control of salmonellosis”. From 01.01.2009, besides breeding flocks and laying flocks producing table eggs, this applies to broiler chicken fatteners as well. This regulation “forces” a significant group of broiler chicken farmers to eradicate litter beetle infection during the service period. As it is well known, the litter beetle, as an inter-host, is a carrier of some difficult-to-cure diseases.

BIORESQTM is a special aqueous extract of earthworm manure produced by a specific process.

Earthworms are organic matter recovery organisms, that live in the upper layers of the soil, and have a saprophytic lifestyle with skin respiration. During their evolution, they developed a permanent symbiosis (coexistence) with those soil-dwelling bacterial species, commonly found in all soils, which help and ensure the existence and survival of the host (earthworm) through their special metabolism (atmospheric N2-binding species) and their insect-/ and worm / parasitic (more precisely, insect-/ and worm-eating!) nutrition. These bacteria continuously multiply, in accordance with the ecological balance throughout, and then are excreted, which are extracted together with other secondary materials, as BIORESQTM.

In practice, if the solution is sprayed with sufficient efficiency to the habitats, hiding and overwintering areas of the litter beetle, then the bacterium in the liquid, living and constantly multiplying from the litter beetle, its larvae and eggs, destroys the beetle from the litter, the barn, it displaces the harmful bacteria.

Experience has shown that the effectiveness, to the extent required and expected, is

practically complete!

Additional advantage of using the BIORESQTM against litter beetle infection is, that this destructive effect on litter beetle is fully applicable to the various species of lice, bedbugs, mites, owl pill and ticks as well occurring there and in all living spaces.


Environmental impacts:

1., The species involved shall not become harmful, as they were created during the formation and beginning of life on Earth, and they belong to the fauna of natural and healthy soils!

2., Humans and warm-blooded animals shall not be made ill and are not made ill by the species in the solution, because the hydrochloric acid content of their stomach destroys the bacterium!

It is also harmless to bees with a honey stomach (Hydrochloric acid!) and to scanning wasps but not to amphibians, molluscs, crustaceans, fish, and reptiles!

3., The application of BIORESQTM in the above way and for the above purpose greatly contributes to and accelerates the treatment and disposal of large amounts of infectious, environmentally harmful organic manure generated during animal husbandry!

4., Sprayed on the litter, BIORESQTM significantly binds the nitrogen in the air, improves the quality of the litter and at the same time the air in the building.

5., Litter treated with BIORESQTM decomposes faster and the plant nutrients contained in it are better utilized. Softwood shavings treated with BIORESQTM turn into usable barn manure. Its nutrient content is revealed. Getting in the soil, it stimulates soil life.

Application: it shall be applied by spraying to the area to be treated, to the barn surface. The beneficial bacteria in the applied solution retain their effect for a long time. If encountered with a disinfectant, they lose their effectiveness, since living organisms are killed by the disinfectants.

Directions for use:

On litter: Before installing the herd, apply 2-3 litres / 100 m2 of BIORESQTM to the new litter and the lower parts of the walls with an appropriate amount of water. Then, halfway through the breeding time, repeat the procedure with a dose of 1.5-2 litres / 100 m2. Paying special attention to the area around the drinking and feeding locations. Add more to these places. Dilution can be arbitrary. As the substance does not pose a danger to warm-blooded animals and is even health-friendly, it can be safely applied in the presence of the herd.

If further composting continues in a frosty environment, it is advisable to increase the dose slightly.